Adur council leader warns of tough choices ahead

Released: Friday, 24 November 2023

The leader of Adur District Council has warned that difficult choices will have to be made to balance the books next year.

The council is facing tight financial restrictions caused by a reduction in central government funding and increasing pressure outside its control from inflation and cost of living challenges, like every other local authority in the country.

Legally the council has to produce a balanced budget each year, meaning it can only plan to spend as much as it takes in through its share of council tax, government grants, fees and charges. Currently £1 out of every £50 spent on services by the council comes from the government.

In 2023/24, on average just £324 of the council tax paid on a Band D home in Adur will go to the district council - the equivalent of £6.23 per week - to fund services including waste and recycling collection, support for the most vulnerable and the maintenance of parks, open spaces and the shore.

The rising number of residents needing to be housed because they would otherwise be homeless is a particular spike in pressure. Around 100 Adur locals are currently having to be housed outside the area because of a shortage of available accommodation - more than double the national rate of out-of-area placements.

The council currently expects to need to find £960,000 in savings next year, so new tighter restrictions on spending have been brought in, fees and charges are being reviewed and savings will be made in staffing and resources.

There will also be a renewed drive to provide better and more efficient services for the community online, allowing residents to get information and assistance more quickly.

Cllr Neil Parkin, the leader of Adur District Council, said:

“The last few years have been very challenging for the council and it seems clear that next year will be even more so.

“Not only has the cost of our services increased, but there has been increasing demand on our teams because our community has needed us more than ever.

“In the next financial year there will be difficult choices to be made, but we will rise to the occasion and ensure that we continue to provide a good service for our residents.”

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